Are you the Low Carbon Guru?



Do you know Climate Change is getting worse?

The truth is: Reducing carbon footprints could help alleviate climate change. It's up to all of us to fix it.

Take your first step with this test. Find out if you are a true low carbon guru!

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食物篇 Food
1 / 10

My favorite food is...


Hey, did you know the carbon emission from red meat production is ten times more than plant-based food? The highest ranking is red meeat, followed by dairy products, poultry, then fish. Would you consider less meat in your next meal?

食物篇 Food
2 / 10

I get food from...


Food is a necessity of life. But, where to get them and how might affect your carbon footprint in a blink. Food delivery services may be trendy and convenient, but carbon emissions from delivery scooters and plastic waste are a pain.

食物篇 Food
3 / 10

How much food do you usually waste and throw away?

嘿,你知道嗎?根據環保署的統計,2019年全臺丟棄的廚餘量竟將近50萬公噸,若以臺灣全年稻作平均產量來看,丟掉的是超過 4.08 個月所生產的米糧啊!

Hey, did you know? According to Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), over half million tons of food were wasted in 2019, over the amount of paddy produced in 4.08 months!

食物篇 Food
4 / 10

Every day I just need to have one cup of...


Beverages are served with carbon emissions, too! Milk may be nutritious, and Taiwanese bubble milk tea is the signature drink. But milk products are among the higher carbon emissions because of raising dairy cows. Try tea instead. Tea’s emission is the smallest here, especially locally grown Taiwanese tea!

住宅篇 Housing
7 / 10

Which of the following appliances consumes the most power on stand-by (not turned on but plugged in)?


Did you know? The most energy-consuming appliance is the water heater, followed by the air-conditioner.

交通篇 Transportation
8 / 10

In your daily life, what do you use to move from one place to another?


Public transport is still the best option! Walking is also excellent too (for exercising as well).

交通篇 Transportation
9 / 10

Before COVID-19 hit the world, did you often go abroad by airplane?


Did you know? Transportation means often make up a significant part of one’s carbon footprint. It may lead you to a super CO2 emitter!

您的減碳等級,在 名受測者當中,是前第 名!屬於 還沒開始訓練的高手
Your rank No. among test takers. You are a Candidate Guru!

還沒開始訓練的高手:唉呦,你需要一些改變,快來看看Green Future的網頁!
Candidate Guru: Alas, you need some change. Come check out the Green Future Academy!

我們正在找你呢!不知道每日餐盤、代步工具、家中電燈電器.... 甚至自己的每個決定,怎麼和氣候變遷有關係嗎?動動手指,按下這個連結「[Green Future Academy網站](/)」,一探究竟!
You are the one we are looking for! Do you know every decision you make every day (what you eat, how you travel, what household appliances you use, etc.) influences climate change? Now move your finger to [Green Future Academy](/) and find out how!

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您的減碳等級,在 名受測者當中,是前第 名!屬於 輕量級高手
Your rank No. among test takers. You are a Novice Guru!

Novice Guru: Come and learn more. Practice makes perfect!

也許你可以多把減碳的邏輯放到生活習慣中,一天多一點,一週多一次,慢慢會發現:改變並不難!可以到Green Future Academy網站看看,有免費且清楚的資源可以參考怎麼以知識促進改變。
Maybe you want to consider cutting down more carbon footprints in your life. Do a little more day by day and week by week. You will find it is not that difficult to change habits! Come check out the Green Future Academy. We have lots of free and easy-to-understand resources for you. Knowledge can help you make a difference.

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您的減碳等級,在 名受測者當中,是前第 名!屬於 中量級高手
Your rank No. among test takers. You are a Experienced Guru!

Experienced Guru: You are doing great. Go get yourself up a tier!

正在前往更強、更有韌性的高手之路上。歡迎加入Green Future Academy的行列,往重量級邁進!
You are on your way to becoming a carbon reduction expert! Welcome to join the Green Future Academy and make yourself a champion one day!

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您的減碳等級,在 名受測者當中,是前第 名!屬於 重量級高手高手高高手
Your rank No. among test takers. You are a Expert Guru!

Expert Guru: You are the champion!

You practice carbon reduction or energy conservation all the time. We will not suffer from the effects of climate change if more than half of the people are like you!

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